Cyber Assurance

GuideIT Cyber Assurance assesses your current cyber security strategy and test key exposure points to provide you with a clear plan for addressing vulnerabilities.

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Our Approach

With the growing complexity of cyber security, understanding the strength of your current program, launching initiatives to address vulnerabilities, and testing the safety of common threat entrance points enable you to pinpoint safeguards and investments. Through GuideIT Cyber Assurance services, we will assess your current cyber security strategy and associated measures and test key exposure points to provide you a clear view into vulnerabilities and a plan to address them.

How We Do It

Case Snapshots

Banking Institution Improves Security Management & Response

A publicly traded financial firm was seeking to better manage security requirements facing the business. Disparate systems within the IT environment required constant updating as new security patches were released, exposing the company to the risk of falling short of regulatory requirements. GuideIT designed and implemented a patch management process to address ongoing updates within the environments. The patch management solution identified and updated over 130,000 security patches in the first 6 months.GuideIT also provided a dedicated Incident Response Analyst to triage alerts and escalations, addressing a critical gap within the security organization. Working with the CISO, the analyst evaluated the infrastructure, policies and procedures, recommended improvements, and improved response time with alerting, reporting, and remediation.