May 22, 2018 — Plano, TX — GuideIT today announced that it extended and expanded a multi-year consulting relationship with a global provider of travel services.For three years, GuideIT has provided management and technology consulting services in support of the provider’s business transformation. GuideIT’s management consultants have led the sourcing of key technology functions and architected a business management structure to support the customer engagement strategy, and provided program and project management leadership in the transition of functions. Its technology consultants have engaged in IT infrastructure, cyber security, and data and voice network matters in support of its technology strategy. The relationship is now extended into its fourth year.“We are excited for the opportunity to continue contributing to the advancement of our customer’s business,” said Chuck Lyles, CEO for GuideIT. “Our consulting offerings span from advisory to implementation, enabling us to contribute tangible and measurable results that enable the creation of value.”

About GuideIT

While technology is critical for every business, it’s also complex and ever changing, often making it difficult to manage. Because of this complexity, many business leaders find themselves in need of advisors they can trust... people who can guide them through getting the most out of technology, relative to their business priorities and the results they seek. That’s why people put their trust in us.